Ccaassuuaall ccoonnffeerreennccee – Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions OmniPCX 3AK 19522 User Manual

Page 24

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To cancel the conference and recover the first call, repeat the same procedure.
The second call will be cut off.

Note: If you hang up during a conference, the other two speakers will be left talking to each
other (if they are both outside correspondents, this will depend on your national telephone

CCaassuuaall ccoonnffeerreennccee

TThhiiss ffuunnccttiioonn iiss oonnllyy aavvaaiillaabbllee iiff yyoouurr sseett hhaass aa



meedd kkeeyy..

During a three-way conference, this feature enables the conference initiator to bring

in up to three further participants.
Simply press:

followed by the number of the correspondent you want to bring in

on the conference; meanwhile, the two other participants can continue talking.

When the correspondent answers, press

to include them in the

conference or

to return to the existing conference without them.

Every time a new participant joins the conference, a beep is heard. The number of
participants is shown on the display.


