Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions OmniPCX 3AK 19522 User Manual

Page 18

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Maakkiinngg aann eexxtteerrnnaall ccaallll

Lift the receiver.
For example, press 9, followed by the number you want. The display screen will
show the number you have dialled. The LED relating to the line key will indicate
the status of your call.

Note: 9 is the default code for getting an outside line.
You can consult the codes for the


Atttteennddaanntt ccaallll"" and ""DDiirreecctt oouuttssiiddee lliinnee"" functions using

the Menu key.


Maakkiinngg aann iinntteerrnnaall ccaallll

Lift the receiver or dial the number you require directly or press a programmed key.
The display screen will show the name and number of the person you have called.

CCaalllliinngg tthhee ooppeerraattoorr

Lift the receiver.
Dial (for example) 0.

Note: 0 is the default code for the ""A

Atttteennddaanntt ccaallll"" function.