Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions OmniPCX 3AK 19522 User Manual

Page 22

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Multi-line terminal: press the line key for the call in progress. Proceed in the same
way to retrieve the call.

PPiicckkiinngg uupp aa lloosstt ccaallll

If you should hang up while a caller is still on hold, the display and the associated
line key LED will flash, and your phone will ring. To retrieve the call, pick up the
handset, or press the appropriate line key.


wiittcchhiinngg ffrroom

m oonnee ccaalllleerr ttoo aannootthheerr ((bbrrookkeerr ccaallllss))

If you are in conversation with one caller and have another one on hold, you can
switch back and forth between them.

On a single-line terminal,

You will be talking to the person whose

identity is shown on the left of the display screen.

On a multi-line terminal, press on one or other of the line keys relating to your calls.

PPiicckkiinngg uupp aa ccaallll oonn aannootthheerr tteerrm


Press the corresponding programmed key or dial the code for the ""DDiirreecctt ccaallll
ppiicckkuupp"" function.
Dial the number of the terminal which is ringing.