Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions OmniPCX 3AK 19522 User Manual

Page 29

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CCaalllliinngg aa nnuum

mbbeerr ffrroom

m tthhee ssyysstteem

m ddiirreeccttoorryy

Your terminal has access to a system directory of external numbers, using short
Simply dial the short code.

IInnttrruussiioonn iinnttoo aann iinntteerrnnaall ccoonnvveerrssaattiioonn

If you ring an internal number and find it busy, you may be able to intrude in the
conversation. This only applies if you have authority to do so, and if that terminal
is not "protected".
Dial the code for the ""IInnttrruussiioonn"" function. The display will announce that you have
cut in.
If one of the three participants hangs up, the other two remain in contact.

PPrrootteeccttiinngg yyoouurrsseellff aaggaaiinnsstt iinnttrruussiioonn

Dial the code for the ""PPrrootteeccttiioonn aaggaaiinnsstt bbeeeeppss"" function and make your call.
This protection ceases to apply once you hang up.

CCaalllliinngg aa ccoorrrreessppoonnddeenntt oonn hhiiss lloouuddssppeeaakkeerr

If your internal correspondent does not reply, you may (if you have the authority to
do so) "unhook" his phone by remote control.
Dial the code for the ""CCaallll aannnnoouunncceem

meenntt"" function.