Intermec 6400 User Manual

Page 143

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Maintenance and Troubleshooting

6400 Hand-Held Computer User’s Guide 4-7

Table 4-1 continued

Basic Troubleshooting




Displays A Bad

Tcom Message

* The computer may not be making full contact with the

dock. Try reseating the unit in the dock.
* The dock may not be properly connected to the host. Make

sure there is a connection. TCOM errors may happen when

telephone service is lost, or for reasons not related to the

physical connection.

Computer Takes A

Long Time To Boot

Up After A Reset

Normal time is between 30--45 seconds. If you do not have

your computer connected to a charging source the booting

should be less than 30 seconds. Short beeps about one

second apart occur during the booting process to indicate
that your


is working.

If it takes longer than that, contact




Tethered Laser

Data And Internal

Laser Engine Data

Does Not Show Up

In The Key Buffer

Load 64SCN7B with both “--e” and “--w” command lines

switches. Both are needed to enable power to the internal

engine and direct the data from both scanners to the


Wedge Mode

Application Dies

When Scanning

Data Using A

Tethered Scanner,

But Works Fine

With The



Check for non-displayable preamble, postamble, prefix, or

suffix characters being sent by the laser. The internal laser

engine sends a postamble of by default. Either

disable them or code the application to handle them. The

integrated scanner and tethered lasers may be configured

by scanning setup bar codes.

Tethered Scan

Data Does Not

Show Up In The

Key Buffer But

The Integrated

Laser Data Does

Ensure that the tethered laser is configured for 9600, n, 8, 1

and the bar code data is prefixed with an STX (0x02) and

suffixed with an ETX (0x03).