Intermec 6400 User Manual

Page 141

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Maintenance and Troubleshooting

6400 Hand-Held Computer User’s Guide 4-5

Table 4-1 continued

Basic Troubleshooting



A Fully Charged

Battery Pack In
The Computer

Still Does Not

Bring It To Life.

None Of The LEDs

Light On The

Battery Pack.

Leave the same battery pack in your computer for at least

30 minutes, to allow some time to put some charge into

your backup battery. Then replace the battery pack with a

fully charged pack. Put the original battery pack into an

external battery charger.

The LEDs On The

Battery Pack Do

Not Match the

LEDs On The


It takes a minute after you put in the battery pack for your

computer to check the status and display the updated

battery charge level.

After A Weekend A

Fully Charged

Battery Pack Does

Not Last The

Normal Length Of


The computer was left for the weekend without a battery

pack in it. Therefore, when you start out the week with the

fresh charged battery it has to build up the charge level in

the backup battery and that leaves less power for its

normal days use.

Computer Reboots

When A Battery

Pack Is Installed

The computer was not suspended (pressing the [I/O] key to

blank the display) before the battery was replaced.
Another reason can be that the backup battery may be
drained. Recharge the computer for a minimum of 12 hours.

If a problem still exists then send your computer to the

service center.

Putting The
Computer Into A

Charging Device

The Charge LED

Blinks Different


There is a fault state condition occurring in the battery

pack or the charger. For the complete details concerning

the sequence of the colors of the blinks refer to Section 2

Battery Charger LED and Error Codes on page 2-10.