Hitachi MK-96RD621-08 User Manual
Page 51

Installation Requirements and Procedures
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Hitachi Storage Navigator User’s Guide
Java Application
without Digital
Java Application with
Digital Signature
Storage Navigator)
Accessing Local
Files is Enabled with
Approval of User
Local Files is
not Allowed
Figure 2-10
Concept of Java Application Security
The figure shows that Storage Navigator with digital signature can access local
files with user approval. The Storage Navigator digital signature has an
expiration date and it might be expired depending on the Storage Navigator
version that you use. Even though the digital signature is expired, you can
continue using Storage Navigator.
The dialog box that appears when you log in to Storage Navigator depends on
the JRE versions. Refer to the following description and take the appropriate
action in the displayed dialog box.
For JRE 1.4
Figure 2-11
Security Warning Dialog Box (for JRE 1.4)
The items on this dialog box are as follows: