Bluetooth passkey – Hughes Satellite IP Modem R-BGAN User Manual

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The Bluetooth control software on your computer must allow the direct entry of DNS

information. Please consult your Bluetooth device vendor to confirm that DNS entry is
possible with your device.


Ensure that your Bluetooth device supports LAN access profile. For configuration of LAN

access profile please refer to your Bluetooth device user manual.

Bluetooth Device Address: System-assigned, display-only.

Bluetooth Device Name: The default name is “Regional BGAN Satellite IP Modem.” Click on and

select the current name field, enter the new name, then select the Change Name button to
apply the new name.

Discoverability: These radio buttons determine whether the Satellite IP Modem is discoverable or
not discoverable by other devices using Bluetooth. The default setting is discoverable, which

means that other Bluetooth devices can find the Satellite IP modem when they are in the same

Bonding: These radio buttons that determine whether the Satellite IP Modem accepts bonding or
does not accept bonding with other devices using Bluetooth. The default setting is accepts
(bonding may sometimes be referred to as “pairing”), which means that other

Bluetooth devices can establish a connection to the Satellite IP Modem. Generally, the

Bluetooth Passkey must be entered on the bonding Bluetooth device for bonding to be
successful. Bonding must occur before data exchange can occur between two Bluetooth


List of up to the last four devices bonded to the Satellite IP Modem, their description and current

connection status. These are display-only fields. You can click on the Unbond button next to
each entry the remove the device information from memory. Once a Bluetooth device is in the

Known Devices table, the device information is “known” to the Satellite IP Modem. If you want to

prevent other devices (e.g.,. other laptops or PDAs within Bluetooth RF range of the Satellite IP
Modem) from communicating with the Modem, you can disable Discoverability and Bonding as

explained in the previous paragraph. You should only do this if the devices you wish to use with

the Modem are already in the Known Devices table.



Whenever you modify any settings on the Bluetooth screen,
you must exit the Control Pad, exit the Launch Pad, and

power the Satellite IP Modem off and then back on so that

the new settings can take effect.





The Bluetooth Passkey screen is accessed from the main Bluetooth screen. The Bluetooth Passkey
is used to prevent unauthorised Bluetooth devices from bonding with your Satellite IP Modem.

The default passkey is “blue.” To increase security, you should change this passkey to a

sequence of letters and numbers of your choosing up to a maximum of 10 characters.
On the screen, you are shown the current Bluetooth Passkey and prompted to enter the new

one. Apply or Cancel the change.

R-BGAN Satellite IP Modem User Manual