Select button, Interface lights, Battery light – Hughes Satellite IP Modem R-BGAN User Manual

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The Select Button controls the selection of the interface between your computer and the
Satellite IP Modem.

All Operational Modes: Pressing and holding this button down for two seconds will display the
current selected interface and battery state. Pressing this button again changes from the active

interface to the next one, cycling through Universal Serial Bus (USB), Ethernet, and Bluetooth until
you have made the desired selection (indicated by the illumination of the selected interface


Once you have selected the new interface, the Modem will shut itself off after approximately
three seconds. If AC Mains is connected to the Modem, it will restart itself. If the Modem is under

battery power, you will need to restart the modem by pressing the Power Button





The USB, Ethernet, and Bluetooth Lights indicate the state of the currently-active interface.

Normal Operational Mode: Only the Light of the selected, active interface is lit. If the Interface
Light is green, the Satellite IP Modem is properly connected to the Regional BGAN network. If the

Interface Light is amber, the appropriate interface has been selected but a connection to the
network has not yet been established. If the Interface Light is flashing red, there is a fault or error

in the Satellite IP Modem.

Pointing Mode: In this mode, all Interface Lights are lit and used as a bar graph to indicate

relative signal strength. The Lights turn from red (poor signal strength) to amber (better signal
strength) to green (best signal strength) as the antenna is manipulated to get the optimum






The Battery Light is off when the Satellite IP Modem is powered down.

Normal Operational Mode: If the Battery Light is flashing amber, the Satellite IP Modem is

powered on and not connected to AC mains power. If the Light is flashing green, the Modem is
connected to AC mains power and the battery is charging. If the Light is green, the Modem is

connected to AC mains power and the battery is fully charged. If the Light is flashing red, the

battery is low and is not charging.

Pointing Mode: In this mode, the Battery Light is lit along with the interface lights to be used as a
bar graph to indicate relative signal strength. The Light turns from red (poor signal strength) to

amber (better signal strength) to green (best signal strength) as the antenna is manipulated to

get the optimum signal.



When the Satellite IP Modem is on battery power (no AC
Mains) the Power, Interface, and Battery Lights will flash to

conserve power.

R-BGAN Satellite IP Modem User Manual