Caution, Warning, Fuel – Harman Stove Company HARMAN P68 User Manual

Page 4

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P68 Pellet Stove


do not install a Flue daMPer in the

eXhaust venting sYsteM oF this unit.

do not connect this unit to a chiMneY

Flue serving another aPPliance.

Mobile home installation should be done in

accordance with the Manufactured home and

safety standard (hud), cFr 3280, Part 24.


the structural integritY oF the

Mobile hoMe Floor, Wall, and ceiling/

rooF Must be Maintained.


KeeP coMbustible Materials (such as

grass, leaves, etc.) at least 3 Feet aWaY

FroM the Flue outlet on the outside oF

the building.

iMPortant notes

installation and repair of this harman stove

should be done by a qualified service person. We

recommend that the stove be inspected before

use and at least annually by a qualified service

person. Periodic cleaning is required throughout

the heating season and at the end of each winter

for the stove to work efficiently. See cleaning

instructions on page 23.

Mobile/Manufactured home standards do

not allow installation in rooms designated

For sleeping.



The P68 is approved for use with wood pellets and for a

mixture of shelled corn and wood pellets. See the corn

mixture addendum on page 33 of this manual.
Store fuel in a dry area, well away from the appliance.
Remember, corn is a food source and will attract bugs

and other pests. If using corn for burning, keep it in a

sealed container outside your home.

do not connect to anY air distribution

duct or sYsteM.

insPect and clean eXhaust venting

sYsteM FreQuentlY.


hot While in oPeration. KeeP

children, clothing and Furniture

aWaY. contact MaY cause sKin burns.


do not burn garbage or FlaMMable

Fluids such as gasoline, naPtha or

engine oil.


burning fuels other then what is specifed

could result in damage to the unit and/or its
