Caution, Warning caution – Harman Stove Company Harman Pellet P43 User Manual
Page 5
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P43 Pellet Stove
dO nOt inStall a Flue daMPeR in the
eXhauSt venting SYSteM OF thiS unit.
dO nOt cOnnect thiS unit tO a chiMneY
Flue SeRving anOtheR aPPliance.
the StRuctuRal integRitY OF the
MObile hOMe FlOOR, wall, and ceiling/
ROOF MuSt be Maintained.
iMPORtant nOteS
inStallatiOn and RePaiR OF thiS
haRMan StOve ShOuld be dOne
bY a QualiFied SeRvice PeRSOn.
we RecOMMend that the StOve
be inSPected beFORe uSe and at
leaSt annuallY bY a QualiFied
SeRvice PeRSOn. PeRiOdic cleaning
iS ReQuiRed thROughOut the heating
SeaSOn and at the end OF each winteR
FOR the StOve tO wORk eFFicientlY.
See cleaning inStRuctiOnS On Pg 23.
M O b i l e / M a n u Fa c t u R e d h O M e
StandaRdS dO nOt allOw inStallatiOn
in ROOMS deSignated FOR SleePing.
alwaYS be SuRe theRe iS nO unbuRned
Fuel in the aSh Pan PRiOR tO lighting
a FiRe. thiS will cauSe SMOke and
SOOt and OtheR unwanted ReSultS.
SPecial nOte:
due tO FlY aSh builduP, it iS StROnglY
RecOMMended that YOu have YOuR
StOve PROFeSSiOnallY cleaned and
SeRviced annuallY. thiS includeS all
PaRtS OF the StOve, and the entiRe
venting SYSteM.
dO nOt uSe MakeShiFt cOMPOnentS
OR OtheR cOMPROMiSeS when
inStalling thiS aPPliance.
MObile hOMe inStallatiOn ShOuld
be dOne in accORdance with the
ManuFactuRed hOMe and SaFetY
StandaRd (hud), cFR 3280, PaRt 24.
keeP cOMbuStible MateRialS (Such
aS gRaSS, leaveS, etc.) at leaSt 3
Feet awaY FROM the Flue Outlet On
the OutSide OF the building.
a chiMneY cOnnectOR Shall nOt PaSS
thROugh an attic OR ROOF SPace,
clOSet OR OtheR cOncealed SPace,
a FlOOR, OR a ceiling.
dO nOt cOnnect tO OR uSe in
cOnjunctiOn with anY aiR
diStRibutiOn duct wORk unleSS
SPeciFicallY aPPROved FOR Such