Honeywell BENDIX/KING KLN 94 User Manual
Page 111

KLN 94
Rev. 4, Jan/2003 10599I04.CDL
Page B-3
The cover page for your supplement should essentially be identical to the guide supplement
with the following exceptions:
A. In the header, substitute the installers name and address (whoever is writing the flight
manual supplement) in place of the name and address of Honeywell.
B. Substitute the manufacturer’s name and model number (as shown on the serial data
plate) for your aircraft in place of the Mooney models listed.
C. In the second line of text, where the sample supplement states "is installed in accordance
with STC SA00244WI-D.", substitute "is installed in accordance with unit Installation
Manual 006-_____-____ , Rev.__, and FAA Form 337 dated ." (Insert the part number
and revision of the manual you have used).
D. Remove "CHRIS DURKIN, DAS Coordinator, Honeywell International, Inc." and
"DAS4CE" from below the FAA APPROVED line. (Your supplement will be approved by
an FAA representative).
E. Remove the footer on the cover page. (The footer on the guide supplement cover page is
for Honeywell internal reference only).
If the section names and numbers of your aircraft’s flight manual do not match those of the
sample flight manual supplement, you should arrange your Table of Contents and your
supplement in accordance with the format of your aircraft’s flight manual.
The body of text for all sections other than NORMAL PROCEDURES should be copied in its
entirety. The text for the NORMAL PROCEDURES section may vary depending on the
equipment interfaced with the KLN 94. Some of the annunciators, switches and/or controls
described in paragraph B may differ slightly or may not be included as part of your
installation. Should this be the case, you will need to alter the text of this paragraph and its
subparagraphs to accurately describe the operation of the KLN 94 as it exists in your
installation. Do not include descriptions of annunciators, switches or controls not present in
your installation. Make sure that the nomenclature on the items you do use matches the
description in your flight manual supplement.
This concludes the procedure for writing a KLN 94 GPS Aircraft Flight Manual Supplement.
Reduce the pages as required to match the format of your aircraft’s flight manual, and you are
ready to submit the new document to your local FAA representative for approval.