Honeywell BENDIX/KING KLN 94 User Manual

Page 100

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KLN 94

Rev. 4, Jan/2003 10599I04.CDL

Page A-10

2. Fuel flow equipment not installed and Air data equipment installed:

If format C or D is received, fuel data portions are ignored, the airdata portions are used and
no error message is given. If format A or B is received, the “GEN RS-232 In Data Error”
message is displayed.

3. Both fuel flow equipment and air data equipment not installed:

If no data is received for this setup, the “No GEN RS-232 In Data” message will be displayed.

Fuel/Air Data Timing Requirement

A grace period of 2.4 seconds, in addition to the 1.6 second transmission interval, shall be given
to every fuel/air data transmission. The unit invalidates all local copies if fuel/air data is not
received for 4.0 seconds ± .40 seconds.


Functional Description

The order of transmission within each data byte shall be:


Electrical per EIA RS 232C

9600 baud, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity

MARK is a logical 1 (one) and SPACE is a logical 0 (zero)

START bit begins as MARK, goes to SPACE


Data bit 0 (LSB)

Data bit 1

Data bit 2

Data bit 3

Data bit 4

Data bit 5

Data bit 6

Data bit 7 (MSB)

STOP bit