Honeywell SERIES COMMUNICATING TB7600 User Manual
For commercial hvac applications, Application, Features

TB7600 Series Communicating
RTU/Heat Pump Thermostats
The TB7600 Series PI thermostat family is specifically
designed for single stage and multi-stage control of heating/
cooling equipment such as rooftop and self-contained units.
The TB7600 Series are communicating thermostats with
models available in BACnet® MS/TP and ZigBee® wireless
mesh protocols and can be easily integrated into a WEBs-AX
building automation system based on the NiagaraAX®
platform. The product features an intuitive, menu-driven,
back-lit LCD display, which walks users through the
programming steps, making the process extremely simple.
Accurate temperature control is achieved due to the
product’s PI time proportional control algorithm, which
virtually eliminates temperature offset associated with
traditional, differential-based thermostats.
Depending on the model, up to three remote sensor inputs
are available. All models contain a SPST auxiliary switch,
which can be used to control lighting or disable the
economizer function and a discharge air sensor input. For more advanced applications, an economizer control logic
has been integrated onto the thermostat for use with proportional damper economizer actuators.
Thermostats equipped with an occupancy sensor cover provide advanced active occupancy logic, which will
automatically switch occupancy levels from Occupied to Unoccupied as required by local activity being present or not.
This advanced occupancy functionality provides advantageous energy savings during occupied hours without
sacrificing occupant comfort. All thermostats are PIR ready and can be ordered with or without Honeywell occupancy
sensor. The occupancy sensor cover is available to order separately if a PIR is needed at a later time.
• Available in BACnet MS/TP and ZigBee wireless protocols
• Backlit LCD display with dedicated function menu keys for simple operation
• Built in default profile set-up for easier start up and commissioning
• Fully integrated advanced occupancy functionality with a PIR accessory cover on some models
• Non-volatile EEPROM memory prevents loss of parameters during power outage
• Programmable smart fan operation can provide energy savings during night mode
• Password protection to minimize parameter tampering
• Three levels of keypad lockout to limit access to change user parameters such as setpoints, system mode,
• Gas/oil or electric system compatibility for all type of applications
• SPST auxiliary output can be used for lighting and/or economizer override
• 0 to 10 Vdc economizer output for more retrofit opportunities
— Built in dry bulb economizer logic using outdoor temperature sensor
— Input for supply/mixed air temperature sensor
• Support single and two stages heat pump with one auxiliary heat stage
• Remote indoor averaging sensing with 2, 3, 4, 9 or 16 sensors
TB7600 Series
TB7600 Series
Thermostat with
Occupancy Sensor Page 1 Thursday, April 14, 2011 1:40 PM