HP B6960-96035 User Manual
Page 208

send alerts via SNMP, it is possible to integrate virtually any application that can
receive SNMP traps.
Data Protector backup session auditing stores information about all backup tasks
that were performed over extended periods for the whole Data Protector cell, and
provides this information on demand in an integral and printable fashion for
auditing and administrative purposes.
The integration of Data Protector with HP Operations Manager software allows
you to receive alerts from Data Protector on the OM console and have automatic
actions performed.
The Data Protector capability to send major and critical events into the Windows
Event Log opens up a variety of interesting integration possibilities.
The integration with HP Operations Manager Windows (OMW)automatically
forwards Data Protector major and critical events to the OMW console. Automatic
actions can be set up to react upon failures in the backup environment.
The Data Protector built-in Java-based online reporting allows you to do online
reporting from wherever you are in your network (even from a remote location)
without the need to have the Data Protector user interface installed on your local
system. This functionality requires a Web browser.
Application Response Measurement version 2.0 (ARM 2.0 API)
What Is ARM?
The ARM API is an emerging standard for measuring end-to-end response times of
transactions in distributed environments. Application programs that use the ARM API
act as sources of response time information (and also user supplied information that
may be relevant to a particular transaction) for ARM compliant system management
and monitoring tools such as HP Performance Agent (PA). PA will log ARM transaction
information in its repository for subsequent analysis and reporting. It can also raise
real time alerts (or “alarms”) when the elapsed time of a specific transaction, such
as a backup operation, exceeds a predefined threshold. When a real time alert is
raised, a number of actions are possible, including, but not limited to, informing a
Service management