Idb size estimation – HP B6960-96035 User Manual
Page 203

Specifics for large cells
If the number of files grows into the tens of millions, or there are tens of thousands
of files generated on a daily basis, and you use the Log All option, then backup
speed and IDB growth will become a problem in a relatively short period of time. In
this situation, you have the following options:
Reduce the logging level to the smallest acceptable level. Setting the Log Files
option can reduce the IDB size to a third, and setting the Log Directories
option to almost a tenth. This, of course, depends on the nature of the file systems
in the cell.
Reduce the catalog protection to a minimum.
Split the cell in two. As a final solution, you can always introduce another IDB
and redirect half of the systems into it.
You can configure Report on System Dynamics, which informs you about
dynamics of the growth of filenames on a particular client.
IDB size estimation
If you mainly perform filesystem backups, the IDB can grow to a significant size
(larger than 16 GB) under certain conditions. If you perform disk image or online
database, it is very likely that your IDB will not grow beyond 2 GB.
To estimate the size of the IDB use the Internal Database Capacity Planning Tool
located at:
On the UNIX Cell Managers:
On the Windows Cell Manager:
You can also use this tool to estimate the size of the IDB in environments with online
databases (Oracle, SAP R/3).
Concepts guide