HP Transcend Traffix Manager User Manual

Page 180

background image




detecting unauthorized machine access 73
general rules 78

network supplier support 165
network traffic

typical 36

network traffic rules

configuring events 71
monitoring critical connections 75
monitoring critical devices 74
monitoring long term trends 77
monitoring network resource usage 74
monitoring network trends 75
monitoring protocol usage 78
monitoring server devices 78
monitoring WAN and backbone links 79
typical network traffic levels 36

networking, related documentation 14
new user

getting started with Traffix Manager 23

Number of Devices dialog box 59


Object List

description 28
viewing groups and devices 29

object status key 58

adding connections between 60
adding connections to and from 60
definition 28
displaying connections between 60
displaying connections to and from 60
displaying information about 58
displaying object name 58
displaying object status 58
hiding all connections in the Map 61
identifying using MAC address 157
identifying using NL address 157
locating in Map 59
removing all connections 60
removing all connections from 61
removing connections between 60
removing connections to and from 60
searching for 59
selecting and deselecting in the main

window 59

statistics 59
zooming to in Map 59

online technical services 163
Output Monitor dialog box 96

collector 35

device aggregation 23
events 20, 36, 71
graphs 20, 65
grouping devices in the Map 39
launching Traffix Manager after the first time 49
launching Traffix Manager for the first time 25,


main window 27
reporting 20, 89
RMON standards 37
RMON-2 21, 37


polling for data collection 27, 54
predefined attributes 40
predefined event rules 72
predefined groupings 43

DNS 43
MAC and Type 44
Type and Network 43
Vendor and MAC 44

printing reports 95
program structure

attribute lookup 145


dblookup 142
fileattrs 140
SubnetsDB 133


applications and favorites 61
deregistering with agents 63
filtering display of Map 61
monitoring usage 78
notes on user-defined protocols 63
registering with agents 63
selecting for an event rule 76
user-defined 62


raw report data

overview 93
troubleshooting 117

recommended RMON table sizes 154
registering user-defined protocols with agents 63
related documentation

networking 14

remote access 37
remote monitoring 37
remote server 50
removing all traffic connections in the Map 61