Initial elevation setting, Setting polarization, Initial elevation setting setting polarization – Hughes AN6-098P User Manual

Page 81: Polarization adjustment on the antenna

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Chapter 7 • Pointing the antenna

1037312-0001 Revision A


Initial elevation setting

Make sure the antenna reflector is set to the initial elevation value
given by the installation software.

Setting polarization

Polarization refers to rotation of the antenna (as shown in
Figure 47 on page 59) and is measured in degrees from zero (no
rotation), positive or negative. Polarization is positive east of the
satellite longitude and negative west of the satellite longitude.

For an antenna with a J-type radio, you adjust polarization on the
antenna only. For an antenna with a cradle-type radio, you set
polarization on the antenna to 0° and then set polarization on the
radio. If you are installing the antenna with a cradle-type radio,
see Setting polarization for the cradle-type radio on page 47.
(You will also use the instructions in this section.)

Set the antenna (reflector) polarization as follows:

1. Loosen the four polarization lockdown nuts just enough so

you can rotate the antenna reflector. See Figure 51.
Do not adjust the center nut on each side, as noted in
Figure 51.

2. Rotate the antenna to the desired polarization value as

indicated by the polarization scale (shown in Figure 51).

J-type radio: Set the antenna polarization to the initial
polarization value given by the installation software.
Cradle-type radio: Set the antenna polarization to 0° ; then
see Setting polarization for the cradle-type radio on
page 47.

Figure 51: Polarization adjustment on the antenna

Polarization scale


Arrow indicates movement
during polarization adjustment.

Do not adjust
center nut (circled)
or center nut on
opposite side.

Polarization lockdown nuts

(also two nuts on opposite

side of Az/El assembly)