Handspring 270 User Manual
Page 255

Page 255
displaying a category of 66
editing 62–63
Expense 163
fonts 76
hiding private 45, 73
lost 225
Memo Pad 149
notes for 75
PhoneBook 82, 88
private 73
purging 64
sorting 72
To Do List 145
Recurring events
Redialing a number 97
Reminder. See Alarm
applications 44
Desktop software 45
Renaming categories 67
Repeating events
deleting from Date Book Plus 64
scheduling 110
Rescheduling events 108
Reset button 17
Resetting communicator
hard reset 217
location of reset button 17, 216
soft reset 216
warm reset 217
Safety 244
Scheduling events 106–108
blank 220
brightness control 15, 20
calibrating 20, 180
caring for 215
contrast control 15, 20
touching 15
Scroll bar 21
Scroll buttons 15, 22, 88, 126, 135
Searching. See Finding
Secondary DNS 187, 191
Security 45–47
changing password 46
deleting password 46
displaying owner’s name 195
forgotten password 47
private records 73
date for event 106
phone numbers in Contacts list 90
text 62, 63
data. See Beaming information
Serial port 12, 17, 200, 207, 226, 227
Service templates 184, 193
Service, selecting for network 183
Settings. See Preferences
backing up 201
managing 196–197
menu commands 33
predefined 34
using 34
Signal strength 83, 105
Signature 139
SIM Book 171–173
SIM card
defined 17
door 17
phone book 171–173
SMS Message Center number 133
SIM Phonebook
Slider 196
boilerplates 140
changing messages 141
copying text 140
creating messages 137
deleting messages 142
email messages 133, 138
enabling 133
forwarding messages 141
Inbox 135
Preferences 133