Horizon Navigation NavMate Car GPS Receiver User Manual
Page 60

Trail Mode
NavMate Navigation System
2. A Blazing Trails screen is displayed, showing a map display of where you
begin your off-road trek. As you progress on your trail, a dotted line
represents your trail.
Screen 28. Progressive Blazing Trails Screens
3. Before driving too far, press the button to name a way point.
4. A Name Way Point Entry screen is displayed where you can name it by a
landmark or something that will remind you of it. Spell a name for your
way point.
Screen 29. Name Way Point Entry
5. Every now and again, press the button to add/name more way points.
Do not be conservative. Create a way point whenever it makes sense, and
the more the better.
6. When you reach your destination, like a campsite that you might have been
looking for, press the button.
The system stops tracking your path and a Name Trail Book Entry screen is
displayed. Spell a name for your trail.