Horizon Navigation NavMate Car GPS Receiver User Manual

Page 42

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Selecting a Destination

NavMate Navigation System

visited destinations. You can have up to 30 address book entries at any one time.
Upon selecting the “Address Book” option from the Main Menu/Where do you
want to go?
screen, you can either:

• Select a Destination from those already added to the Address Book.

• Maintain Address Book entries, which includes adding, deleting, and editing

the entries.

Selecting an Address Book Entry as a Destination

Upon selecting the “Address Book” option from the Main Menu screen, an

Address Book screen is displayed. The Address Book screen will either:

• list all existing Address Book entries,

• or, if no entries have previously been added, an empty Address Book screen

is shown. (Press the button to add an entry.)

Screen 12. Address Book Empty Screen

To select an address book entry, scroll the list using the or buttons.

Note that the full address of each highlighted destination is displayed in the
upper portion of the screen. When the destination you want is highlighted, press

to select it.

After selecting a destination, the Select Route Criteria screen is displayed.

Refer to “Selecting Route Criteria” on page 31 for more details.

Adding, Deleting, or Editing in the Address Book

Upon selecting the “Address Book” option from the Main Menu screen, an

Address Book screen is displayed listing all existing Address Book entries. To
add, delete, or edit an address book entry, press , , or ,

You can have up to 30 address book entries. An error message is displayed if

you attempt to add an entry and you are already at the limit.