Autoflush controls, 2 steam generating humidifier, Figure 27 steam generating humidifier – Emerson Liebert Challenger With Liebert iCOM Control 3000/ITR User Manual

Page 58: Steam generating humidifier

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Component Operation and Maintenance


Autoflush Controls

Use the LCD display, menu, and keys on the front control panel to program the autoflush controls.

7.7.2 Steam Generating Humidifier

Steam generating humidifiers are designed to operate in voltage ranges from 200 to 575 volts and

generate 11 pounds (5 kg) of steam per hour. These humidifiers operate efficiently over a wide range

of water quality conditions and automatically adjust to changes in the conductivity of water. The

humidifiers drain and refill to maintain an amperage setpoint and alert the operator when the

humidifier canister needs to be replaced. The humidifier is in the lower section of upflow units; it is in

the middle section of downflow units.

Figure 27 Steam generating humidifier