Midi communication, Midi controller. for more information, refer to, 8, midi communication – Native Instruments KOMPLETE KONTROL S88 MK2 88-Key Controller for KOMPLETE User Manual
Page 96: 8midi communication

MIDI Communication
KOMPLETE KONTROL provides you with flexible MIDI control and host automation capabili-
ties for easy integration with your MIDI environment. In this section you are provided with over-
all information about MIDI communication and Host automation and you learn how to use the
keyboard in MIDI mode and as stand-alone MIDI controller.
Incoming MIDI
KOMPLETE KONTROL and the Instruments you load inside it can be controlled via MIDI and
the host (when KOMPLETE KONTROL is loaded as a plug-in):
Triggering Instruments via MIDI notes: By default, incoming MIDI notes trigger the loaded In-
strument and will also be visually reflected by the Light Guide.
Controlling parameters via host automation: You can control parameters of both KOM-
PLETE KONTROL and your loaded Instruments via host automation (when KOM-
PLETE KONTROL is loaded as a plug-in).
Receiving MIDI Clock
KOMPLETE KONTROL does not receive MIDI Clock. However, when using KOMPLETE KON-
TROL as a plug-in, it is automatically synchronized to the host tempo. The tempo display in
KOMPLETE KONTROL’s header is grayed out and tempo is adjusted in the host.
Outgoing MIDI
You can also send MIDI data from KOMPLETE KONTROL:
Triggering MIDI instruments and recording MIDI notes: KOMPLETE KONTROL sends MIDI
Note, Pitch Bend, and Channel Pressure (aftertouch) messages to the host and to any MIDI
application or device.
Controlling MIDI applications and devices: KOMPLETE KONTROL’s MIDI mode allows you to
send Control Change and Program Change messages to any MIDI application or device.
MIDI Communication
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