Synchronise your favourites, Productivity and time, Time management – Nokia 9 User Manual

Page 88: Clock, About the clock, Set an alarm

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Synchronise your favourites
Plan where you want to go on your trip – find the places at the Nokia Maps website,

synchronise the saved places with your phone, and access the plan on the go.

Select .

Synchronise saved places
Select >

Set destination






Synchronising requires an internet connection, and may involve the transmission of

large amounts of data through your service provider’s network. For information about

data transmission charges, contact your service provider.

To use the Nokia Maps web service, go to

Productivity and time

Time management

Learn how to set the time and date of your phone, and how to set alarms.

About the clock
Select .

Set and manage alarms.

Set an alarm
Want to wake up to your favourite song in the morning? You can use your phone as

an alarm clock.

Select .

1 Select .
2 Set the alarm time, and enter a description.
3 To set the alarm to sound, for example, at the same time every day, select






Every day


4 To set the alarm tone, select

Alarm tone


Remove an alarm
In the Alarms view, select and hold the alarm, and from the pop-up menu, select




Productivity and time