Find contacts quickly, Add a photo for a contact – Nokia 9 User Manual

Page 44

background image

Save a number from a received message

1 Select .
2 Select and hold a conversation, and select

Open contact card


3 Select



4 Select


, and fill in the contact details. To add the number to an existing entry,




Find contacts quickly
Want to find someone's contact info quickly without too much scrolling? Set your

most important contacts as favourites. That way they're shown at the top of the

contacts list. You can also fast scroll or search to browse your contacts list.

Select .

Set a contact as a favourite
Select the contact and . The contact is moved to the top of your contacts list.

Remove a contact from favourites
Select the contact and . The contact remains in your standard contacts list.

Fast scroll to a contact
Slide your finger up and down on the right side of the contacts list to jump to a letter

of the alphabet.

Search for a contact
Start writing in the


field. Matching contacts are shown.

Tip: If you are signed in to Mail for Exchange or Skype, you can also search the contacts

stored on those services.

Add a photo for a contact
Want to see quickly who is calling you? Add a photo from Gallery, or take a new photo.

Select .

1 Select and hold the contact, and from the pop-up menu, select



2 Select

Add image


3 To use an existing photo, select

Select from Gallery

and a photo.

4 To take a new photo, select

Capture new image



Contacts and social networking friends