View others' availability information, Calls, Ways to make calls – Nokia 9 User Manual

Page 47

background image

and you'll see their latest status update in Contacts. You can also see the contact

details and latest status updates in the individual contact cards.

Select .

Import your friends' profiles

1 Select >

Import contacts


Online service


2 Select a service, and create an account, if necessary. Your friends' profiles are

linked automatically to their entries in your contacts list.

Contact details are copied to the respective entries in your contact list when possible.

Existing details are not deleted. Any duplicate contacts are automatically merged into


Tip: Some services do not automatically merge imported contacts. To merge

imported contacts manually, select >

Merge contacts




Merge your friends' profiles

1 Select the contact and >



2 Select one or more other profiles to link to the contact.

Tip: If you set your most important contacts as favourites, you can see their latest

status update in Contacts.

View others' availability information
With availability indicators, you can see when your friends are online. You can see their

location and if they are available to chat or answer an internet call, and they can see

your availability information.

Sign in to the instant messaging or internet call services that you use, and select


Availability information is displayed on the contact picture if supported by the online



Ways to make calls
To make a call, you can:

Enter a phone number

Search your contacts list

Select from your last dialled numbers
