Take a photo in the dark, Take a photo of a moving object, Take a series of photos – Nokia 9 User Manual

Page 68: Save location info to your photos and videos

background image

Switch close-up mode on
Tap the settings area, and in


, select



Take a photo in the dark
Want to take better photos even in dim light? Switch night mode on.

Select .

Switch night mode on
Tap the settings area, and in


, select



Tip: You can also record videos in dim light. To turn night video mode on, switch to

video mode, tap the settings area, and select

Video at night


Take a photo of a moving object
Are you at a sports event and want to capture the action with your phone? Use sports

mode to take a sharper photo of moving people.

Select .

Switch sports mode on
Tap the settings area, and in


, select



Take a series of photos
Would you like to shoot lots of photos quickly, to capture the perfect moment of an

action or facial expression? Use continuous shutter mode.

Select .

Change the shutter mode
Tap the settings area, then switch

Continuous shutter mode


Save location info to your photos and videos
If you sometimes want to find all your photos or videos that match a certain location,

or sometimes struggle to remember where you were when you took a particular photo

or recorded a video, you can set your phone to automatically record the location and

add geotags to your photos and videos.

GPS is used to record the coordinates of your location. Geotagging converts the

coordinates into location tags with info of, for example, the country and the city. This

is a network service and may result in data costs.


Camera and Gallery