View mail threads, Mail for exchange, About mail for exchange – Nokia 9 User Manual

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View mail threads
You can view your mails as threads. With threads, it is easy to keep up with what has

been said as you can see all mails you have sent or received under a subject in a single


Select and a mailbox. If threads are not showing, select and




to switch them on.

Select a thread to open it. Use the arrow buttons to browse through the thread. If

you want to quickly search for a particular mail, select


and a mail.

You can have both mail threads and single mails in your inbox. Each thread has a

number on the right that indicates how many mails there are in the thread.

Reply to a mail in a thread
With the thread open, select

. You are replying to the latest mail in the thread. If

you want to reply to a mail in the middle of the thread, browse to the mail, then select


Forward a thread
With the thread open, select

. The forwarded thread is added as an attachment.

Delete a mail
With the thread open, select . The latest mail in the thread is deleted. To delete the

whole thread, select


> >

Delete thread


Mail for Exchange

About Mail for Exchange
Would you like to have your work mail, contacts, and calendar at hand, whether you

are sitting by your computer or on the go with your phone? You can synchronise the

important content between your phone and a Microsoft Exchange server.

Select and

Add account


Mail for Exchange


Mail for Exchange can be set up only if your company has a Microsoft Exchange server.

In addition, your company IT administrator must have activated Microsoft Exchange

ActiveSync for your account.

Use of the Mail for Exchange is limited to over-the-air synchronisation of PIM

information between the Nokia device and the authorised Microsoft Exchange server.

Before starting to set up Mail for Exchange, make sure you have the following:


Messaging and social networks