Read a received mail, Send a mail – Nokia 9 User Manual

Page 59

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Select .

Select an account, and follow the displayed instructions.

Add a mailbox later
Select , and follow the displayed instructions.

Delete a mailbox

1 Select .
2 Select the mailbox and >



Read a received mail
When you receive new mail, a notification is shown in the Events view. Select the

notification to open the mail.

To read your mail later, select .

Tip: To zoom in or out, place two fingers on the screen, and slide them together or


Reply to the mail
With the mail open, select


To sender

, or if there is more than one recipient,


To all


Forward the mail
With the mail open, select


Delete the mail
With the mail open, select .

Send a mail
You can use your phone to write and send mail, and attach files to your mail.

Select . If you have more than one mail account, select an account.

1 Select .
2 Type in the mail address. To add a recipient from your contacts list, select .

Tip: When using your Mail for Exchange account, your phone can also search

recipients from your global address list. Just type in part of the recipient's name,

select the number next to the suggested recipient, then select the recipient.

3 To add an attachment, select




Messaging and social networks