Quick start, 2 quick start – ProSoft Technology MVI46-103M User Manual

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Quick Start

MVI46-103M ♦ SLC Platform

IEC 60870-5-103 Master Communication Module

ProSoft Technology, Inc.

Page 9 of 187

September 12, 2006

2 Quick


This section provides the steps required to configure the module. After you
download the sample configuration file, please perform the following steps:

Step 1 - Configure the Number of Slaves (Sessions)

The IEC 60870-5-103 protocol is a master-slave protocol where the slaves are
typically protection equipments for substations. The MVI46-103M module
supports up to 32 slaves (total) connected to its ports. Each slave has to be
configured as a session. Refer to the configuration file to enter the number of
slaves that will be connected to the MVI46-103M module:

[IEC-870-5-103 Master]

Session Count : 5 #1 to 32 - maximum number of slaves on all channels

In the example above, the module will only poll sessions 0 to 4. The module
would not poll sessions 5 to 15.

In the Step 3, the user will configure each session as an actual slave in the

Step 2 - Configure the Port Communication Parameters

The user should configure the port communication parameters in order to enable
data transfer between the master and the slave(s). The port communication
parameters include: baud rate, parity, RTS ON, RTS OFF and Minimum Delay.
The IEC 60870-5-103 protocol uses two baud rates: 19200 or 9600 kb/s and
even parity.

Refer to the [IEC-870-5-103 Master Port 0] section in the configuration file in
order to configure the communication parameters for the 103M port:

[IEC-870-5-103 Master Port 0]

# Communication Parameters

Baud Rate : 19200 #Baud rate for port 9600-19200

Parity : E #N=None, O=Odd, E=Even, M=Mark, S=Space

RTS On : 0 #0-65536 mSec before message

RTS Off : 1 #0-65536 mSec after message

Minimum Delay : 10 #Minimum # of mSec before response sent

Receive Timeout : 2000 #Maximum mSec from first char to last to wait

# These parameters are protocol specific

Single char ACK F0,1 or 3 : Y #Single E5 resp to ACK func 0, 1 & 3 req (Y/N)

The user should also configure the jumpers located at the back at the module in
order to select the correct communication mode: RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485.