B.11 measure[:voltage][:scalar][:dc]? query, B.12 output[:state] command, B.13 output[:state]? query – KEPCO TMA 4882-27 User Manual

Page 56: B.11, Meas, B.12, Outp, B.13, B.14, Sour

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TMA4882-27 021910


MEASure[:VOLTage][:SCALar][:DC]? QUERY



Short Form: MEAS[:SCAL]:VOLT[:DC]?
Long Form: MEASure[:SCALar]:VOLTage[:DC]?
= 0 or 1
Return Value: (digits with decimal point and Exponent)

Description: Measures actual voltage. This query returns the actual value of output voltage (measured at the out-

put terminals) as determined by the programmed value of voltage and current and load conditions.
NOTE: The SCPI convention for this command allows the controller to establish the range and accu-
racy of the measurement if nn,nn is added after the question mark; the power supply accepts this for-
mat but sets the command warning bit (13) in the status questionable register and ignores the extra
characters. (See example, Figure B-3.)




Short Form: OUTP[:STAT]

Long Form: OUTPut[:STATe]

=(0 or OFF, 1 or ON)
OUTP (@n1,n2,n3) Open or close multiple channels, n1, n2, n3 = channel numbers
OUTP (@n1:n2) Open or close a range of channels, n1 = low, n2 = high channel number

Description: Enables or disables the power supply output. Upon power up the output is enabled (OUTP ON).

When OUTP OFF is executed, the programmed values of voltage and current are saved, then voltage
and current are programmed to 0. When OUTP ON is executed, the power supply output is restored to
the previously saved programmed values. The saved values of voltage and current can be viewed by
VOLT? and CURR? queries. Related Commands: OUTP?. (See example, Figure B-3. Multiple chan-
nel examples: OUTP OFF(@5,7) closes channels 5 and 7, OUTP ON(@4:7) opens channels 4, 5, 6,
and 7.




Short Form: OUTP[:STAT]?

Long Form: OUTPut[:STATe]?

Return Value: (0 or 1)

Description: Indicates whether power supply output is enabled or disabled. Returns 0 if output disabled,

returns 1 if output enabled. Related Commands: OUTP. (See example, Figure B-3.)

B.14 [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPlitude] COMMAND



Short Form: [SOUR:]CURR[:LEV][:IMM][:AMP]
Long Form: [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPlitude]
= digits with decimal point and Exponent, e.g., 2.71E+1 for 27.1

Description: Sets programmed current level at power supply output. This command programs output current to

a specific value; actual output current will depend on load conditions. If the value exceeds the maxi-
mum for the model being programmed, error message -222,”Data out of range” is posted in output
queue. (See example, Figure B-3.)

B.15 [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPlitude]? QUERY



Short Form: [SOUR:]CURR[:LEV][:IMM][:AMP]? MIN, MAX
Long Form: [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPlitude]? MIN, MAX
Return Value: = digits with decimal point and Exponent, e.g., 2.71E+1 for 27.1

Description: Returns either the programmed value, maximum value, or minimum value of current. The

CURR? query returns the programmed value of current. Actual output current will depend on load con-
ditions. The CURR?MAX query returns the maximum current allowed for a particular model. CURR?
Returns programmed current value. CURR? MAX returns maximum current allowed for power supply.
CURR? MIN returns minimum current allowed for power supply (always 0). Related Commands:
CURR. (See example, Figure B-3.)