Getting started, First steps – Rose Electronics Porter User Manual

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Getting Started



First Steps

Congratulations! You have chosen one of the best code activated switches on the

market. The paragraphs below summarize the steps to integrate the Porter into your

You should have received the Porter system unit, a power adapter, and this Porter

installation and operations manual. If additional cables were ordered, they usually arrive

in the same package.
Connecting the Cables
Cabling is one area you should pay careful attention to. Consult the cabling guides in this

manual for the correct pin outs. If you need assistance, contact our tech support, we will

be happy to assist you.
Configuring the Porter
The Porter is a versatile unit. It can be configured to match the type of equipment that

you have. To configure the switch requires connecting a computer or terminal to the

configuration port on the porter – port 0.
If you have a PC, then you run a terminal emulation program to setup the Porter. The

parameters are saved in the Porter. From time to time as you change the configuration of

your equipment, you may need to adjust the configuration of the Porter. You do not have

to have a PC to use the switch or configure it.
Configuring your Computers
The final step is to make sure that your computer's software is configured to access the

features of the Porter. This involves setting up the proper communication settings for

serial ports and providing a method to issue commands to the Porter. The commands

are typically issued from PCs by user software or from batch files. If you use serial ports

on PCs, it is required to setup the AUTOEXEC,BAT file with the proper DOS MODE

If You Have A Problem
Well we certainly hope all goes well with your installation, but if there is a problem, we

are only a phone call away. If you have already installed the switch and something is not

right, it can be helpful to be at the switch location and at the computer connected to port

0 on the Porter when you call. The front panel of the Porter is very useful to diagnose

problems that can occur.
Where to Go From Here
We would like to think that you would read the rest of this manual, it may not be the most

exciting reading material, but at least scan through it for the key points. Use it to get the

correct cabling information. Thank you for choosing Rose Electronics and the Porter.