Rose Electronics Porter User Manual
Page 14

The range option will set any changed item(s) (i.e. baud rate, parity, etc.) to the new
common value(s) for all the ports selected; however, any unchanged item(s) will remain at
the previous setting(s). If you enter “R”, you will be asked for the range of ports you want
to change. The ending port number *must* be greater than or equal to the starting port
number. Note that if you hit just a return to the ending port number, that port number will
be the same as the starting port number and only one port will be changed.
Single Port
Enter choice (1-8 or H for help) 1
Enter the port number (0-8 or R) 3
Enter baud rate (19200, 9600, 7200, 4800, 3600,
2400, 1800, 1200, 600, 300, 150, 134.5, 110, 75, 50) 1200
Enter parity type (N=None, E+Even, O=Odd, M=Mark, S=Space) E
Enter word length (5, 9, 7, 8) 7
Enter stop bits (1,2) 1
Enter flow control (D=DTR, X=XON/XOFF) X
Use DHS (direct handshaking ) (Y/N) N
Range of Ports
Enter choice (1-8 or H for help) 1
Enter the port number (0-8 or R) R
Enter the starting port number (0-8) 3
Enter the ending port number (0-8) 4
Enter baud rate (19200, 9600, 7200, 4800, 3600,
2400, 1800, 1200, 600, 300, 150, 134.5, 110, 75, 50) 1200
Enter parity type (N=None, E=Even, O=Odd, M=Mark, S=Space) E
Enter word length (5, 9, 7, 8) 7
Enter stop bits (1,2) 1
Enter flow control (D=DTR, X=XON/XOFF) X
Use DHS (direct handshaking ) (Y/N) N
Single Port with 38400 baud rate
Enter choice (1-8 or H for help) 1
Enter the port number (0-8 or R) R
Enter baud rate (38400, 19200, 9600, 7200, 4800, 3600,
2400, 1200, 600, 300, 150, 100) 1200
Enter parity type (N=None, E=Even, O=Odd, M=Mark, S=Space) E
Enter word length (5, 9, 7, 8) 7
Enter stop bits (1,2) 1
Enter flow control (D=DTR, X=XON/XOFF) X
Use DHS (direct handshaking ) (Y/N) N
Range of Ports with 38400 baud rate
Enter choice (1-8 or H for help) 1
Enter the port number (0-8 or R) R
Enter the starting port number (0-8) 3
Enter the ending port number (0-8) 4
Enter baud rate (38400, 19200, 9600, 7200, 4800, 3600,
2400, 1200, 600, 300, 150, 100) 2400
Enter parity type (N=None, E=Even, O=Odd, M=Mark, S=Space) E
Enter word length (5, 9, 7, 8) 7
Enter stop bits (1,2) 1
Enter flow control (D=DTR, X=XON/XOFF) X
Use DHS (direct handshaking ) (Y/N) N
* This question is not asked when configuring Port 0