Rose Electronics Porter User Manual

Page 25

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Connect commands 1-8
The connect commands allow selection of the current port connection. Commands 5-8

on a 4 port unit will connect to ports 1-4, respectively. The format of this command is

prefix + ASCII port number to connect to.
Connect to Null Destination (9) command
This command selects the null destination. No further data is passed through to the ports

1-8 transmit buffers until a connect 1-8 or broadcast mode command is received. For

further information see “Null Destination” under “Operating Modes”.
Any Data Available Command
This command, applicable on serial units only, checks the buffers of ports 1-8 to see if

there is any data available and returns a coded byte containing the results. In this coded

byte, each bit position corresponds to a port; i.e. bit 0 corresponds to port 1, bit 1

corresponds to port 2, etc. If the port has any data available, the corresponding bit is set

to 1. The format of this command is prefix + A.
Broadcast mode command
This command places the Porter into broadcast mode. See the section on “Broadcast

Mode” for further information. To end broadcast mode, send any connect command.
Set port format command
The serial format consists of the flow control protocol, baud rate, word length, parity, and

number of stop bits. Each port can be individually programmed with this command. The

format is the prefix + F + port number + wxyz where wxyz are send in hexadecimal

notation. The binary value of each bit is shown below. The default for each channel is

9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, one stop bit, DTR/DSR handshake. For example to set the

default value on Port 5 the string would be prefix + F + 000E. Four hex digits are

required to enter the format code correctly. Note that with the 38400 baud option, the

baud rates are doubled. The only parameters changeable on parallel ports are bits 9,8 in

character x. These are also descried below.
Serial format codes by character

Character w

Character x

Character y
Stop & Data Bits

Character z
Baud rate

0 = none


0 = 1 stop, 8 data

1 = 50

2 = odd

4 = Direct (DHS)*

2 = 1 stop, 7 data

2 = 75

6 = even

8 = X-on / X-off

4 = 1 stop, 6 data

3 = 110

A = mark

C = X-on / X-off + DHS*

6 = 1 stop, 5 data

4 = 134.5

E = space

8 = 2 stop, 8 data

5 = 150

A = 2 stop, 7 data

6 = 300

C = 2 stop, 6 data

7 = 600

E = 1.5 stop, 5 data

8 = 1200

9 = 1800

A = 2400

B = 3600

C = 4800

D = 7200

E = 9600

F = 19200