Chapter 2 setup and operation – Remote Processing RPC-2300 User Manual

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You pr obably tur ned to this section b ecause you could
not get the sign on message. If you are getting a sign on
message but can' t enter characters, then read section 5.
The following ar e troubleshooting hints:


Check the pow er source . If it is below 4. 65 volts,
the SBS-2300 will be reset. Power is 5 ±0.25 volts.
Make sure it is a clean 5 volt source. If it dips
intermittently to 4. 65 volts (due to switching noise
or ripple), the car d will reset for about 100 ms. If
the noise is fre quent enoug h, the card w ill be in
permanent reset. Check U14, pin 6. If it is low
(about 0 volts), then it is in reset. This line shou ld
be high (about + 5 volts).


Check the COM1 port. COM 1 is also known as
console port J1. Rem ove the connector from
COM 1. R efer to the outline dra wing ear lier in this
chapter. Connect an oscilloscope (preferred) or a
voltmeter to pin 3 (Txd ) and gro und. Pin 3 should
be -6 volts or more negative. (Pin 1 is designated
by the ^ sym bol on the conn ector. Pin 3 is next to
it, nearer the key opening.) If you have -6 volts or
more, press the reset switch. If you have a scope
attached, you should see a burst of activity. If you
have a volt m eter, you should see a change in
v o lt a ge . U s in g a F l u ke 8 06 0 A s e t t o m e a su r e AC ,
you should see a mom entary rea ding above 2 volts.
Pre ss reset sev eral tim es to make sure it captu res it.


Install the cable and make sure the voltages and
output activity are still there. Output is from pin 3
on the VT C-10. Check to make su re som ething is
not shorting the output.


Check the serial pa ram eters on y our P C or termin al.
They should be set to:

19200 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop

If all of this fails, call technical support listed at the front
of the book.