Chapter 10 speaker – Remote Processing RPC-2300 User Manual

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F ig u re 10 -1 Ju m pe r W 7

Figure 10 -2 Interfa ce schem atic


Pin 16 on the card edge connector is the speaker output
from the 64180 C PU c hip. This por t can be used to
drive a sp eaker. The SO UN D com mand is use d to
generate a frequency.

Sound output is no t available wh en a 512K R AM is
installed. This is due to the fact one of the address lines
is also used as a fr equency o utput.

SOUN D Syntax is:

S O U N D frequency
S O U N D frequency,duration

frequency is from about 20 Hz to over 20,000 Hz.
duration is from 0. 01 to 325 seconds.

NOTE: When SOUN D is used with a duration

parameter, program execution is suspended
until it is timed out.

Speaker output is controlled by jumper W7.


512K RAM installed


Speaker enabled

Connecting a speaker

Refer to figure 10-2 below for circuit connections to a
speaker. T he series resistor determines the volume. the
Capacitor sets the lower frequency limit. Generally,
values from 100 uF to 470 uF ar e adequate. The
speaker may be any value but those with 50 ohms or
greater produc e higher s ound output.


Do not connect pin 16 directly to a speaker, ground,
or + 5V, even momentarily, as damage to the CPU
will result.

Program ming ex ample

The following example produces tones from 200 to 5000
hz and back dow n again in 500 hz increm ents.

10 FOR N = 200 TO 5000 STEP 500
20 SOUND N,.5
40 FOR N = 5000 TO 200 STEP -500
50 SOUND N,.5
70 GOTO 10

To stop program execution, press the < esc> key.

AIN and AO T comm ands shut off the sound.