Chapter 1 overview, Description, Manual organization – Remote Processing RPC-2300 User Manual
Page 3: Manual conventions, Warning
Page 1
The SBS-23 00 is an em bedded co ntroller with a built in
Basic language. Several featur es make it suitable as a
stand alone un it:
Built in CAMBASIC II progr amming language
autoruns at power up. On card flash EPROM
programmer saves programs to 30K.
Eight single e nded or 4 differen tial analog inputs
convert voltage inputs to a digital value using a 12 -
bit (4096 count) A/D converter. Two analog
outputs are available.
Keypad port for operator interface. The 16 position
keypad is automatically scanned and is read using
the KEYPA D comm and.
Two RS-232 serial ports are pr ogramm able for baud
rate, par ity, length, and stop bits. Both inputs and
outputs have a 256 byte buffer.
Watchdog timer resets the card if the program
"crashes" . The time r is enabled and disabled by
48 general purpose digital I/O lines, 8 of which are
high curr ent outputs. These lines can connec t to
another opto rack.
128K of RAM is standard, with a 512K RAM
optionally available. RAM is optionally battery
b a ck e d u s in g a D S - 12 1 3D .
Built in EPROM pr ogramm er save program s for
autorun on power up or r eset.
The SBS-2300 uses a 64180 CPU oper ating at 9 Mhz. It
operates stand alone or on a network using RS-485
adapter. Its 4. 5" x 8" size ma kes it easy to mount in a
NEM A box.
CAM BASIC II progr amm ing language is standard . T his
language was adapted for the SBS-2300 for
control an d data acquisition applications. A com plete
description of CAMBA SIC II commands is in the
CAMBASIC II Programming Guide.
Program development can take place on your PC, using
y o ur w o r d p r o ce s so r , o r on th e SB S- 2 30 0 . P r og r a m s
f r om y o ur P C c an b e d o wn lo a de d us in g P C Sm a r tL I N K
o r o th e r se r ia l c o m m un ic a ti on p r og r a m .
This m anual pro vides all the infor mation r equired to
install, configure, and use the features on the SBS-2300.
This manual assumes you are fam iliar with some type of
BASIC progr amming software. The syntax used by
CAM BASIC II is similar to Microsoft' s GW or
QuickBASIC. If you are not experienced with BASIC
software, you may want to refer to books and training
programs available through your local software store.
The CAMBA SIC II Programming Manual has
information and e xamples for a ll commands.
NOTE: The SBS-2300 uses a Hitachi Z180 processor.
Additional information can be obtained from Hitachi or a
local representative. Or der hardwar e manual #U77,
software manual #U92.
Information appearing on your screen is shown in a
different type.
CAMBASIC II (tm) V1.00
(c) 1985-94 Octagon Systems Corporation
(c) 1994 Remote Processing Corporation
All rights reserved - free 29434
Symbols and Term inology
NOTE: Text under this heading is helpful information.
I t i s i nt e nd e d t o a c t a s a r e m in d er o f s o m e
interaction with another part of the manual or
device that may not be obviou s.
Information under this heading warns you of
situations which might cause catastrophic or
irreversible damage.
Denotes jump er block pins.
< xxx>
Paired angle brackets are used to indicate a
specific key on your keyboard. F or
example < esc> means the escape key.