1introduction – RISCO Group axesplus® MAP Editor User Manual
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User Manual for MAP Editor
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© RISCO Group
Map Editor is used to create maps which would be viewed in Access Control User Station (ACUS). MAP Editor
provides a graphical view of all the devices such as the Doors, Relays and Sensors present in a specific
Section of an Account. It handles automation on the devices. They are configured here in MAP Editor and
executed from the Security Dashboard in ACUS.
The installer who installs the Risco Access Control (RAC) system at the client site uses the Map Editor
application to create new maps for locations. All configurations are made section-wise. Sections are created
in ACIS by an installer. You may also add new locations which would be reflected in ACUS. Each location can
have only a single map. Once you create a new project in a section, you may add as many locations and
maps as required.
You can embed an image of a map or create a map using the graphics and tools available in Map Editor.
Once a map is created, you can add various access control (AC) elements in the map such as doors, relays
and sensors as required. You can also create a zone in the map.
For all the AC elements, you can configure their behaviour based on the events that take place in the system.
For example, when a door is blocked, you may configure the door image background to turn red. In ACUS,
every time the door is locked, the image background will turn red.
Apart from the access control devices, you may add buttons on the map for executing automation. In ACUS,
while viewing a map, you may click the button for executing specific automation.
This manual tells how to perform each of the above functions in the Map Editor application.