Precision Digital PD650 User Manual
Page 79

Model PD650 Large Display Process Meter
Instruction Manual
Automatic Batch Control Operation
The meter can be used for automatic batch control as the following illustrates:
The valve KEY Legend is as shown:
Both valves are opened to fill the
barrel. The top valve is the full flow
valve, the bottom valve the restricted
flow valve. The meter displays the
barrel’s content.
Full-flow valve #1 is closed and
restricted-flow valve #2 “dribbles” in the
remaining 5 gallons.
When the total reaches 55.00 gallons,
relay 2 trips and the restricted-flow
valve #2 closes. This automatically
causes the total to reset to zero.
The full tank is removed and a new
tank inserted. The valves are still
closed, the two relays are still in the
tripped condition.
After the programmed delay has
elapsed, the two relays will reset and
the two valves will open.
The tank will now begin to fill.