Silvercrest STGG 1800 A1 User Manual

Page 19

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STGG 1800 A1


Grilled corn on the cob


2 sweet corn cobs

100 g herb butter

Garlic salt



1) Brush a piece of aluminium foil with the herb butter.
2) Salt the corn cobs and wrap them in the aluminium foil.
3) Lay the package on the griddle 1 with the lid 3 closed at temperature level 4.
4) Turn the package after 15 minutes and cook the cobs for another 15 minutes.
5) Season the corn cobs with garlic salt and pepper.


Depending on the thickness of the food being grilled, it is possible that the lid 3 can rest on the
food during grilling.



2 ciabatta loaves

2 tomatoes

4 tbsp. tomato ketchup

2 garlic cloves

2 tbsp. olive oil

1 tbsp. basil, fi nely chopped

1) Cut the ciabatta loaves in half and lay them on the griddle 1 at temperature level 3 - 4 for around

2 minutes so that the ciabatta halves are lightly browned.

2) Wash and dice the tomatoes. Crush the garlic.
3) Mix the tomato pieces, the ketchup, the garlic, the olive oil and the chopped basil.
4) Spread this paste over the toasted ciabatta pieces and lay these onto the griddle 1 for about

5 minutes at temperature level 3.

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