Sealey VS908 User Manual
Lpg detector, Vs908, Instructions for

instructions for:
lpg detector
MoDEL no:
thank you for purchasing a sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions and
properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.
IMPORTANT: pleASe reAd tHeSe INStrUctIoNS cAreFUllY. Note tHe SAFe operAtIoNAl reQUIreMeNtS, WArNINgS, ANd
cAUtIoNS. USe tHIS prodUct correctlY, ANd WItH cAre For tHe pUrpoSe For WHIcH It IS INteNded. FAIlUre to do So
MAY cAUSe dAMAge, or perSoNAl INJUrY, ANd WIll INVAlIdAte tHe WArrANtY.
1. SAFetY INStrUctIoNS
2. INtrodUctIoN
3. SpecIFIcAtIoN
Original Language Version
Model no:................................................................Vs908
Dimensions:...........................................Ø21mm x 180mm
Weight:........................................................................ 46g
Display:.................................... Green, red & Yellow LED
Power supply:....................... 2 x AAA Batteries (alkaline)
Power consumption:.................... 200mA (approximately)
Duration:.............4 hours continuous use (approximately)
recommended use:................................................ indoor
output:............................................... LED + Audio signal
operating Ambient temperature:...10° to 50°c @ H<95%
storage temperature:.....................................5°c to 55°c
Working Ambient Humidity:.......................................<95%
Propane sensitivity:.............500ppm min / 6500ppm max
natural Gas sensitivity:......1000ppm min / 6500ppm max
NOTE: It is our policy to continually improve products and as such we reserve the right to alter data, specifications and component parts without prior notice.
IMportANt: no liability is accepted for incorrect use of this product.
WArrANtY: Guarantee is 12 months from purchase date, proof of which will be required for any claim.
INForMAtIoN: for a copy of our latest catalogue and promotions call us on 01284 757525 and leave your full name and address, including postcode.
01284 757500
01284 703534
Sole UK distributor, Sealey group,
Kempson Way, suffolk Business Park
Bury st. Edmunds, suffolk,
iP32 7Ar
When using the detector refer to the following:
WArNINg! for use only as an aid, detecting leaks in small gas
containers such as lighters, camping gas stoves, plumbers' blow torches
Any hint of a gas leak from industrial/domestic supply such as
in ovens, heaters, boilers etc., in the home or workplace, must
immediately be reported to an authority or gas supplier.
Before use confirm that the detector casing is undamaged.
do Not use if any fault is found or if wet.
Before use check the operation of the detector by "testing" a known leak
source such as an extinguished gas lighter.
do Not use the detector for any purpose other than for which it is
the detector is a delicate instrument, handle with care utilising carrier
sling, avoid excessive vibration, impacts, moisture and temperatures.
do Not blow or allow jets of gas on to the sensor.
the Vs908 is designed for a fast, simple and clean aid to detect the presence
of leaks in LPG and cnG (Propane/Butane) systems. ideal for initial
investigation, suitable for automotive, industrial and domestic applications.
fitted with static discharge element, LED display and audible tone indicating
presence of combustible gas. Maintenance free powered by two 1.5V batteries
environmental protection.
recycle unwanted materials instead of disposing of them as waste. All tools, accessories and packaging should be sorted,
taken to a recycle centre and disposed of in a manner which is compatible with the environment.
When the product is no longer required, it must be disposed of in an environmentally protective way. contact your local solid
waste authority for recycling information.
oNlY dispose of batteries or recycle according to local authority regulations. under the Waste Batteries and Accumulators
regulations 2009, Jack sealey Ltd. are required to inform potential purchasers of products containing batteries (as defined within
these regulations), that they are registered with Valpak's registered compliance scheme. Jack sealey Ltd's Batteries Producer
registration number (BPrn) is BPrn00705.
© Jack sealey Limited
Vs908 issue: 1 - 20/09/12
IMportANt! Always perform a static test before a gas detection
operation. this must be carried out in a separate room.
4. operAtIoN
Notes on static electricity discharge.
4.1.1 to avoid sparks when testing for flammable gases, always discharge the
operator's static electricity in a separate room prior to the leak test.
4.1.2 follow detector instructions 4.2.1 and then 4.1.3.
4.1.3 on the underside of the detector a small wire element projects. touch
the element and touch an earthed object, a radiator for example. if the
operator is statically charged the yellow LED will illuminate for a short
period during the discharge time. see also 4.2.3.
4.2 Notes on combustible gas detection.
4.2.1 With the batteries installed and the sensor cap removed, turn the unit on
by sliding the switch to "on". the red LED will illuminate and an audible
output beep will sound for about 5 seconds. (if the audible output fails
this will not necessarily suggest a fault. this may occur if switched on
and off too quickly; allow 60 seconds before switching on again). the
red LED will be extinguished and the green LED will be illuminated. this
indicates the batteries and detector are functioning correctly.
Bring the exposed sensor in close proximity to the suspected leak
source, the red LED and audio output will indicate the presence of a
flammable gas within the range stated in the specifications.
4.2.3 A yellow LED illuminated indicates the presence of static electricity.
4.2.4 switch to "off" position and re-fit sensor cap after use.
5. BAtterIeS
replace if green or red LED's do not illuminate.
5.2 for removal, thumb grip and slide cover in direction of arrow .
install batteries with polarity as shown in illustration and slide cover
home with thumb grip until it latches.
5.4 for disposal see notes below (Environmental Protection).
6. cleANINg
6.1 With sensor cap on, periodically wipe the casing with a damp cloth.
do Not use solvents or abrasives. do Not clean sensor, which
should be protected with cap at all "not in use" times.
Push on
sensor cap
i/o slide
static electricity discharge element
Battery cover beneath