Sealey VS055 User Manual
Vs055.v3, Diesel fuel system priming device, Fig.1

1. safety instructions
WarninG! Ensure Health and Safety, local authority, and general workshop
practice regulations are adhered to when using tools.
Do not use tools if damaged.
Maintain tools in good and clean condition for best and safest performance.
If the vehicle to be worked on is raised, ensure that it is supported adequately with axle
stands or ramps and chocks.
Wear approved eye protection. A full range of personal safety equipment is available from
your Sealey dealer.
Wear suitable clothing to avoid snagging.
Do not wear jewellery and tie back long hair.
Account for all tools, locking bolts, pins and parts being used and
Do not leave them on or near the engine.
iMPortant: always refer to the vehicle manufacturer’s service instructions, or a proprietary manual, to
establish the current procedure and data. These instructions are provided as a guide only.
WarninG! ensure that any spilt fuel is cleaned up immediately.
NOTE: It is our policy to continually improve products and as such we reserve the right to alter data, specifications and component parts without prior notice.
iMPortant: No liability is accepted for incorrect use of this equipment.
Warranty: Guarantee is 12 months from purchase date, proof of which will be required for any claim.
inforMation: For a copy of our latest catalogue and promotions call us on 01284 757525 and leave your full name and address, including postcode.
2. introDuction & aPPLications
2.1. introDuction
Essential for reintroduction of fuel into fuel pump following maintenance such as fitting of new diesel filter or
following drainage of fuel tank. Must be used whenever fuel system is disturbed.
2.2. aPPLications
Vauxhall & Opel 2.0Di/2.2Di engines
3.1. Disconnect the fuel pipe from the filter-to-injection pump - use VS045 Fuel Hose Disconnect Tool.
3.2. The coupling clip is on the male connection (fig.1A). Remove clip and insert into the female connection
3.3. Connect the priming device between the filter head and the pipe (fig.1). On the hand pump there is an
arrow this must point in the direction of normal fuel flow.
3.4. Squeeze the hand pump several times while checking the transparent tubes either side for air bubbles and
fuel, when you feel a lot of resistance stop squeezing, the injection pump is primed.
3.5. Crank the engine until it starts (5-10 seconds). If engine does not start or starts and cuts out, loosen fuel
feed pipe banjo union on the injection pump and squeeze hand pump a few times until all the air is
expelled from the pipe. Tighten banjo union and start the engine.
3.6. Stop the engine and disconnect VS055.V3 from fuel line and filter head. Remove the two locking clips
from the male connectors (fig.1A & C) and re-install into female connectors (fig.1B & D), as in 3.2.
3.7. Re-connect fuel pipe to filter head. Re-start the engine and check all disturbed connections for fuel leakage.
3. instructions for use
01284 757500
01284 703534
VS055.V3 Issue: 1 -10/03/14
Thank you for purchasing a Sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions and properly maintained,
give you years of trouble free performance.
IMPORTANT: PLease reaD tHese instructions carefuLLy. note tHe safe oPerationaL reQuireMents, WarninGs & cautions.
use tHe ProDuct correctLy anD WitH care for tHe PurPose for WHicH it is intenDeD. faiLure to Do so May cause DaMaGe
anD/or PersonaL inJury anD WiLL inVaLiDate tHe Warranty. PLease KeeP instructions safe for future use.
sole uK Distibutor: sealey Group
Kempson Way, Suffolk Business Park,
Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 AR
DieseL fueL systeM PriMinG DeVice
Original Language Version
© Jack Sealey Limited