Maintenance – Sealey HP1000 User Manual
Page 2

4. MaInTenanCe
pullInG The load
warnInG! do noT overload the puller. note the pulling capacity in the specification in section 2.
3.2.1. Engage the drive pawls in the ratchet wheels by pushing drive pawl spring lever in the direction of B.
3.2.2. Pull the handle repeatedly back and forth to wind in the cable and firstly to take up any slack and then to pull the load.
releasInG The TensIon
warnInG! avoid abrupt handle movements, apply pressure to handle evenly and steadily.
3.3.1. Depress the drive pawl spring lever in the direction of A.
3.3.2. Very carefully and slowly move handle in the direction of E until drive pawl pushes and disengages the stop pawl to clear the
ratchet teeth. Moving the handle back in the direction of c will release the load by one notch.
3.3.3. repeat this handle motion as required to release the tension one notch at a time.
3.3.4. When all tension has been fully released from the cables, check that the load is stable and safe before detaching the puller.
CleanInG. clean the puller after each use and wipe with a slightly oiled cloth. store in a safe, dry, childproof location.
NOTE: It is our policy to continually improve products and as such we reserve the right to alter data, specifications and component parts without prior notice.
IMporTanT: no liability is accepted for incorrect use of this product.
warranTY: Guarantee is 12 months from purchase date, proof of which will be required for any claim.
InForMaTIon: for a copy of our latest catalogue and promotions call us on 01284 757525 and leave your full name and address, including postcode.
01284 757500
01284 703534
sole uK distributor, sealey Group,
Kempson Way, suffolk Business
, Bury st. Edmunds, suffolk,
IP32 7Ar
Original Language Version
HP1000.V2, HP1500.V2 Issue: 1 - 27/11/09