Fig.3 fig.5 fig.4, Declaration of conformity 5. maintenance – Sealey PBS90 User Manual

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Introduce the pipe between the die and the rollers, swing down the upper

plate ensuring that it locates correctly onto the roller shafts and position the

pipe so that the centre of the required bend is in the centre of the die.


close the release valve by turning the knob clockwise. Insert the pump

handle into the socket above the larger of the two pumping pistons

(see fig.3) and pump to close the gap between the die and pipe. Before

applying bending pressure do a final check on the positioning of the

pipe. now insert the handle into the socket above the smaller of the

pumping pistons and pump until the required degree of bend is achieved.


open the release valve and the piston will retract under spring tension.

raise the upper plate and remove or reposition the pipe as required.


After use, store the pipe bender with the ram fully retracted and the

pumping pistons in the down position.


regularly oil all moving parts.


Annually replace hydraulic oil using sealey Hydraulic Jack oil -

HJo/500Ml or HJo/5l.

Never use brake fluid.


the nut on the oil filler located on the top of the pump body doubles as

a vent and needs to be opened one turn before using the unit. the nut

should be done up tightly if the unit is moved or stored away for a long

period, to prevent hydraulic oil spillage. see fig.3.


Before using the pipe bender purge any air from the hydraulic system

by opening the relief valve situated on the side of the unit anticlockwise

and pumping the handle several times. close release valve.


Hinge up the top plate. select the required die (see fig.4) and place it

onto the end of the ram piston. see fig.5.


Position the rollers according to the triangular label in the centre of the

top plate. see fig.2-B.


rotate the rollers so that the most appropriate of the three contours

available will be against the pipe.

Note! Consider packing the pipe or tube with dried sand or similar

medium before bending as this may help to alleviate deformation of the

pipe or tube. pack the sand tight and cap the ends.



We, the sole importer into the uK, declare that the product listed below is in conformity with the following standards and directives.

the construction file for this product is held by the Manufacturer and may be inspected, by a national

authority, upon request to Jack sealey ltd.

For Jack Sealey Ltd. Sole importer into the UK of Sealey Quality Machinery.

signed by Mark sweetman

24th April 2009

Declaration of Conformity

IndustrIAl HYdrAulIc PIPe Bender

9 & 15 ton WItH trIPod

MoDeLS: pbS90.V2, pbS91.V4

2006/42/ec Machinery directive

93/68/eec ce Marking directive

01284 757500

01284 703534

[email protected]

Sole UK Distributor

Sealey Group,

Bury st. edmunds, suffolk.




It is our policy to continually improve products and as such we reserve the right to alter data, specifications and component parts without prior notice.

IMpoRTANT: no liability is accepted for incorrect use of this product.

WARRANTY: Guarantee is 12 months from purchase date, proof of which will be required for any claim.

INFoRMATIoN: for a copy of our catalogue and latest promotions call us on 01284 757525 and leave your full name, address and postcode.

PBs90.V2, PBs91.V4 Issue no:1 24/04/09




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