Introduction & specification 3. paint preparation, Assembly / preparation fig.2, Fig.1 5. operating instructions – Sealey HVLP2000 User Manual

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Utilises 600Watt electric motor with high performance turbine to deliver continuous volumes of air. Spray gun uses composite body, which has

low affinity for paint, enabling quick and easy cleaning. Gun includes air and paint controls for fine adjustment of spray pattern. Suitable for interior

and exterior use, applying water and oil based paints, lacquers and stains. Supplied with air hose, viscosity cup and shoulder strap.



DO NOT open the main unit or loosen or remove any of its retaining screws.

DO NOT wipe plastic parts with any solvents such as petrol, thinners, carbon tetrachloride, alcohol or ammonia.

DO NOT mix or thin paint in an area where there may be functioning appliances producing a naked flame or electrical sparking. This

includes equipment that is electric motor powered.

DO NOT switch on the spray gun when paint is being mixed or thinned.

Ensure that any vapours have dispersed before switching on the spray gun.

Tightly recap all containers immediately after thinning or mixing paint, and store away from the spraying area.

DO NOT spray near any sources of ignition such as an open fire, cigarettes, cigars or pipes, sparks, glowing wires or hot surfaces

or naked lighting.

Ensure that the air hose is firmly connected to the unit and the gun to avoid the possibility of any spilt material being drawn into the unit.

When not in use, thoroughly clean the spray gun and then store it in a safe, dry, childproof location.


Spray Gun Set-Up: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2mm

Pot Capacity: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .700ml

Voltage: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230V

Power Consumption: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600W

Air Hose Length: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.4m

Weight:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7kg

3.1. Checking paint viscosity.

As most paints are made for brush or roller, it will normally be necessary to thin the paint

to achieve proper atomisation and good coverage. Use the viscosity cup provided to check

the viscosity of the material prior to thinning. Dip the cup into the paint to completely fill it

and then time how long it takes for the paint to flow out again (fig.1). If the paint is the

correct viscosity, the flow time should be approximately between 8 and 20 seconds. If the

flow time is more than 20 seconds the paint is probably too thick. Thin the paint slightly

and retest until the flow time is within the limits stated. If the flow time is less than eight

seconds the paint is too thin.


Paint condition.

Any debris in the paint will clog the spray gun, which will then require a complete strip

down and clean, before the spray gun will function again properly. This is particularly

important when using paint that has previously been opened. The paint should be

thoroughly mixed and free from any lumps. If necessary, strain the paint through a 60

mesh paint strainer, to ensure a smooth finish. The paint should be strained into a clean

container and if any paint is left over, it should be stored in a clean container.


Remove the spray gun from the unit and adjust the air cap by rotating it (or move the

spray jets) to give the required spray pattern as shown in fig.2.


Unscrew the paint container. Fill container with paint (see Section 3 regarding paint

preparation). Refit the paint container to the gun and tighten.


Lay out the air hose and connect one end to the back of the unit using a push and

twist action. Similarly connect the other end of the hose to the spray gun.


Plug the unit into the mains supply and switch it on. The unit is now ready to use.

Original Language Version

HVLP2000.V2 Issue: 1 - 30/09/10




To increase the amount of material sprayed, screw the adjustment knob in. To

decrease the amount of material sprayed, screw the adjustment knob out.


Control the fluid flow using the trigger.


If necessary re-adjust the spray pattern and/or the material control.


Good results can be obtained using a combination of the above adjustments. If you

have no previous experience of spraying, it is suggested that you experiment on a

non-essential area first, before performing the final spraying operation


For best results, handle the gun correctly. It should be held perpendicular to the

surface being sprayed and moved parallel to it. Start the stroke before squeezing the

trigger and release the trigger before finishing the stroke. This will give accurate

control of the gun and material (fig.3).

5.6. Spray from a distance of about 150 to 250mm. The material deposited should always

be even and wet. Each stroke must overlap the preceding stroke to obtain a uniform
