Power monitoring section, Light schedules section, Air handling units section – Emerson E2 User Manual

Page 202: Zones section, Sensor control section, 3 cx home screen, Lighting control section, Hvac control section, Refrigeration control section, Demand control section

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E2 RX/BX/CX I&O Manual

026-1610 Rev 13 14-SEP-2011

Power Monitoring Section

In the lowest left-hand corner of the BX Home screen

is the power monitoring section, containing active KW
and average power information.
Light Schedules Section

In the center of the BX Home screen is ON and OFF

status information for light schedules.
Air Handling Units Section

Located at the top right-hand corner of the BX Home

screen, the AHU section shows the number of AHUs, tem-
perature, state, and ASP information for each.
Zones Section

Directly below the AHU section is the Zones section,

which shows the number of zones, temperature, whether
or not the application is in occupied mode, CSP and HSP.
Sensor Control Section

Sensor Control is at the bottom right-hand corner of

the BX Home screen and contains analog and digital sen-
sors, value, command, and status information.

12.1.3 CX Home Screen

Lighting Control Section

The lower left-hand corner of the screen shows name

and bypass output for the lighting circuits.
HVAC Control Section

The top left-hand corner of the screen shows whether

the fans are ON or OFF, state, and dehumidification status
of the first two air handlers in the sequence.
Refrigeration Control Section

The top center of the screen shows the name, state, and

current temperature of standard circuits.
Demand Control Section

The top right-hand corner of the screen shows the sta-

tus of the Demand Control application.
Anti-Sweat Control Section

The middle right-hand section of the screen shows

name and percent ON information for each anti-sweat
Sensor Control Section

The bottom center section of the screen shows both

analog and digital sensor control, name, and command
Time Schedules Section

The lower right-hand section of the screen shows the

name and current status of time schedules.

12.2 Logging On and
Access Levels

An E2 may be programmed with up to 25 different

users. A user basically consists of a username, a password,
and an access level. Whenever a username and password
are entered during login, the E2 searches the user records
for the username and password. If found, the E2 will log
the user in at the access level configured for the user in the
user records.

The access level determines how many of the E2’s fea-

tures the user may use. The E2 uses four access levels, one
being the lowest, and four being the highest. Table 12-1
gives a description of each level and the capabilities they
have access to.

Figure 12-3

- CX Home Screen


HVAC Control


Demand Control

Sensor Control

Time Schedules


Level 1

Read-only access. Users may generally
only view status screens, setpoints, and
some system settings.

Level 2

Setpoint and bypass access. Users may
perform all the tasks a level 1 user may,
and they may also change control setpoints
and bypass some devices.

Level 3

Configuration and override access. Users
may perform all the tasks a level 2 user
may, and they may also override system
settings, create new cells, and program
new applications.

Level 4

System Administrator access. All E2 func-
tions are accessible by a level 4 user.

Table 12-1

- User Access Levels