Crivit FB-1539 User Manual
Page 9

recommended workout duration:
Beginners: 2-3 minutes
Intermediates: 5-10 minutes
set-up and workout
The board also remains closed during this exer-
cise. Attach the resistance bands to both sides of
the fitness board. To do so, pull the ends of the
bands to the length required to thread them into
the side openings on the board.
To remove the resistance bands later on, pull
them back out of the openings by slightly stret-
ching them (Fig. A).
Place the balance board on the rubber mat.
• Pick up the handles of the resistance bands
and carefully position yourself on the board.
• Carefully begin to rock sideways until you find
your balance and get a feel for the movement.
• Alternately stretch your arms upwards. In the
process, your right arm should be stretched
upwards when your right leg rocks downwards
– and vice versa.
• When you feel comfortable enough, increase
the intensity and keep moving your arms back
and forth or alternately move your arms to the
left and right, away from your body.
• This exercise works on all muscle groups of
your body!
Balance board with handles
(Fig. E)
recommended workout duration:
Beginners: 2-3 minutes
Intermediates: 5-10 minutes
set-up and workout
The board remains closed for this exercise. Insert
the ends of the handles into the holes on the
fitness board (see Fig. B). To remove the handles
later on, firmly pull on them while jiggling them
free. The rubber mat is also intended as a sup-
port for your knees during this exercise.
When performing this exercise, please also
make sure that you keep your back straight.
Avoid arching your back.
• Kneel on the rubber mat and pick up the
handles on the board. Bend slightly forward
and begin rocking gently back and forth.
At the same time, keep your back straight.
• When you feel strong enough, continue this
exercise in a sit-up position. To do so, place
the board on the rubber mat, pick up the
handles and position your feet approx. two
thirds of your body length to the back.
Here, please also make sure you do not
arch your back.
Press-up board (Fig. F)
recommended workout duration:
Beginners: 2-3 minutes
Intermediates: 5-10 minutes
set-up and workout
To use this equipment as a press-up board, you
simply have to remove the bottom of the board.
To do this, open the side flap locks and put the
bottom of the board to one side. The handles
remain at the top of the board.
When performing these exercises, make sure
your back is straight. Avoid arching your back.
• Kneel in front of the fitness board on the
rubber mat and pick up the handles. Slowly
move your body up and down.
• To increase the resistance, take your feet off
the floor and cross them behind your buttocks.
This is a type of sit-up.
• To strengthen your leg muscles, take one knee
off the floor while kneeling and stretch your
leg slowly a few times upwards behind you.
Then change legs. You can also alternate after
each stretch.
• To increase the level of difficulty, take your
knees off the floor and stretch your legs out
to the back. Now, do a sit-up. Keep your back
straight and do not overdo it. It is more impor-
tant to perform this exercise properly than to
achieve a high number of sit-ups.