Introduction, About this manual, Intended audience – Logitek Electronic Systems Artisan User Manual
Page 6: Manual conventions, 1 introduction, Logitek

1 Introduction
About this Manual
This manual describes the installation and operation of the Logitek Artisan control surface.
Intended Audience
This manual is aimed at Engineers responsible for installing, configuring and supporting a Logitek
Console Router System
with the Artisan surface.
In the context of a system installation, or to become familiar with the entire Logitek Console Router
, the reader should also reference:
Audio Engine Installation & Operation Manual
AEConfig Reference Manual
Supervisor Reference Manual
CommandBuilder Reference Manual
The content of this manual relevant to console operators (Chapter 5) is also duplicated in the
separate Artisan Operator’s Manual. This provides technical operators with a brief overview of using
the surface without being buried in installation information.
Manual Conventions
The following conventions are used in this manual:
This text indicates a menu choice to be made, with an arrow separating a multi-level selection,
eg Control Panel
Users & Passwords. This can be a menu choice in a Logitek application, or
within Windows.
Indicates a “see-also” section in this manual, or another Logitek manual.
The exclamation symbol signifies an important note or critical information.
This text represents a command, script block example, instruction to
be typed, or directory path.
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Logitek Artisan Reference Manual