Configuration, Com port configuration, Audio engine configuration – Logitek Electronic Systems Artisan User Manual

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4 Configuration

This chapter covers basic configuration information, relating specifically to the Artisan surface.
Audio Engine

setup and configuration is covered in detail in the following manuals:


Logitek Audio Engine Installation & Operation Manual


Logitek AEConfig Reference Manual

COM Port Configuration

The Artisan contains 12 COM Ports per 25-pair connector from the Power Supply Unit. These
ports are internally mounted to connect to each module, with one external COM Port to connect

to the optional Meter Bridge. COM Ports are numbered A1-A12 (first 25-pair link) and B1-B12
(second 25-pair link).

By default, the Device Address to COM Port map is set inside the Artisan Power Supply Unit

firmware, and will suit most installations. The defaults are shown on the following page. COM Port
mapping can be changed using hex commands sent from Supervisor. These are stored in the power
supply’s non-volatile RAM, so don’t need to be sent each power up.


See Appendix E for Artisan configuration commands.

Audio Engine Configuration

Configuration of the Audio Engine is done in AEConfig. Configuration is as per other Logitek


– detailed in the Logitek AEConfig Reference Manual. Logitek Electronic Systems or your

reseller can provide assistance with building configurations.


TIP: Support


Artisan surfaces and 5.1 audio requires AEConfig January 2007 or later.


See the AEConfig User’s Manual for information on configuring Audio Engines.

CommandBuilder Triggers

The Artisan surface contains many programmable buttons and features. These features are scripted
in “triggers” in CommandBuilder, and executed by Supervisor.


See the CommandBuilder User’s Manual for information on writing Triggers.

The CommandBuilder manual includes details and examples of Artisan specific features, such as

Monitor Hotkeys, Colored On/Off Lamps, Multi-brightness lamps and more. The programming of
these features does require a certain level of familiarity with the system. If you need assistance,

please contact Logitek Electronic Systems or your reseller.

Logitek Artisan Reference Manual