Logitek Electronic Systems Artisan User Manual
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Document Revisions
- Contents
- Introduction
- Unpacking
- Physical Installation
- Configuration
- Operation
- Artisan Fader Modules
- Artisan Control Modules
- MTK-MON (Monitor Module)
- MTK-MON (Monitor Module) – Screen
- Current Source
- Source List
- MTK-MASTER (Master Module)
- MTK-EFFECTS (EQ and Dynamics Module)
- MTK-EFFECTS (EQ and Dynamics Module) – Screen
- Current Source
- EQ Parameters
- Dynamics Parameters
- Fader Label
- MLX-WSOFT (Wide Softkey Module)
- MLX-WSOFT (Wide Softkey Module) – Screens
- MLX-NSOFT (Narrow Softkey Module)
- Artisan Software
- Maintenance
- Release Notes
- Specifications
- Pinouts
- Spares Kit
- Additional Protocol Commands